New Season Past Season Current Season Another Season -Dslash Love's A Season- Barbie Soup And The Cup of Life-What A Season- Hi Juice!
On the 6th of December i posted about Barbie in DKNY at Princess Pad, Today i am posting D/ for DKNY 2012 live at The Slashery. The only reason its a F****** Y dress is cause that's the colour of the protective paper your items are wrapped in when purchased at DKNY in Sydney these days- I must ring Donna! Y SUX
Barbie loves getting tied up with music at DslashLive

Not long after Kylie Minogue announced she was going to Sydney Mardi Gras to celebrate K25, Kylie was seen leaving fittings for an up and coming  2012 season for DslashLive to add to the K25 Celebrations. We Love Kylie  xx
This seasons comeback star and a fresh pitcher in my garden
Whilst dispensing from my new Barbie Dispenser  for Ex Models- I came across rosie and decided she needed a comeback - Rosie was one of my hottest models in 2007- Click on Rosie in the labels column to see Rosie sun kissed in 07
Note: the Y*#**#* is in containment when the rest of the world is free

                                       Felix Natal /Merry Christmas
Tree that blew my brain in Hyde park one day- the flowers were the prettiest pink!
Salad Slash in Vintage Bespoke D/ - Wool Denim and Seat Belt
My first Barbie photo shoot from the mid 90's- I had just been to the DKNY store on Castlereagh st and was so excited I whipped these outfits up out of the wrapping my shopping came in and took some pics