Pink Nerines flowering in the back of Newtown

I cannot believe with all my goings on in life about Monochromatic Gnomes that i've never posted anything to do with my favorite gnome of all. So as a special Monochromatic Gnome Feature to make mention of them, I thought I'd introduce an elegant yet modern Monochromatic Gnome clan thats particularly close to me. The Monochromatic Gnome Clan of Number 1 Star All Important J/. The Green and blue twin gnomes are Aquarium Keepers, The Silver Gnome is the Kitchen Keeper and the Purple Gnome is the Keeper of the bottom of the Stairs. Often Monochromatic Gnomes live out there lives indoors as House Gnomes Instead of in Gardens tending to yards and flower beds like your common everyday Gnome does. Monochromatic Gnomes have recently made a pop culture boom with Gnomes in many exciting shades and gloss's available readily in the store . Traditionally the original Monochromatic gnome was hand picked from a garden or a store as a Common Garden Gnome and the owner would paint the Gnome all one colour turning it into a Monochromatic Gnome.

A Lovely Home Grown Bunch of Autumn Pitchers

I wonder what Fashion will throw our way this decade? this is my first dress of the new decade a denim stud up extra sized collar dress I made for my darling friend.
November Has gone off well- I've had a Britney/Sinead/Sigorney/all the rest moment! YAY!
YAY I LOVE OCTOBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bonsai Owners better start tip prunning and getting ready for summer- Who needs a root trim and re-pot with fresh soil-who needs to get wired and who needs a moss refresh?

Restylane is a safe and natural dermal filler made from Hyaluronic Acid that restores volume and fullness to correct moderate to severe facial wrinkles -Hyaluronic Acid is found naturally in the body and I love it!
Wicked was Wicked,

But theres a few thing i dont get:
a) why the crowd went mad when they saw old Moon Face!-maybe they where on moonshine!
b)who thinks Burt can sing-cause he made a terribly terrible attempt!
c)why even consider putting Burt in Wicked as the wizard?


Orange Sunset over the Blue Mountains and Greater Sydney

photo paper and cotton stitch on an aluminum base.

Lamp Crazy is an understatement at dslashlive.