Showing posts with label landscape. Show all posts
Showing posts with label landscape. Show all posts

When i awoke thismorning

The north easterly sky was throwing out so many shades of my favorite colour.

It was a Beautiful Winters day yesterday

I had been meaning to take my camera with me so whilst i was Phil B's passenger driving around ,i could just snap around, finally, yesterday, i remembered my camera , it was a magnificent late winter's day full of warm sunshine, it was a "classic" Sydney day.

A view from my Window

This Morning's site was delightful to my eye.

The Rainbow at the start of My Day of Gold

This Was My First View of the day yesterday, A Symbol of all the Melbourne Cup Punters Pots of Gold for the Melbourne Cup! Congrats to K/ on his HOT TIP for the Day!


Home again home again hipity hop.

I had a great holiday, saw my wonderful family and enjoyed scenic landscapes.


This is how cold Newtown was this morning, hi to alll, I Stil have the Flu!

This Morning i arose before the sun did I had an early shift at work, its been ages since i've awoken before the sun gets up. I'm normally either well asleep or stil awake at this hour of day! It was BRISK this morning!

Just after Sun Down

Just after the sun went down behind the blue mountains using my new camera* Click on the image to see the Clarity of my new Clicker- No point and Shoot!!! YAYAYAY This is looking west from the bathroom windows!( this is my tinkle view) across the inner west(hense the Church Towers of Ashfield, the top of the telstra(suxs) dome, Parramatta industrial and the Blue Mountains!)

A Beautiful Start To DJBJ Baracus Birthday!

I unfortunately had to get up early this Am to head off to wrk, This is the beautiful site i saw as i arose on Baracus's Birthday! With Much Excitement i discovered my Bonsai has Finally started to "REALLY" show its colour! In Much anticipation I've longed for my Liquid Amber to turn for weeks, it always colours later than the trees around town!



Baracus is having a birthday do tnite and I CAINT WAIT!