French Lesson 2

Tou Jous - Stil or Always
il Pleut tou jous

N'allumes pas ta tete- Dont set your head on fire

K/Jeans by D/

Kylie and Rosie in R/ Pink Body Wraps for D/and D/ Denim

K/'s 5STAR jean from This winters D/ Denim. Side Zip Twin pocket with 5 Star Zipper Protector.

My Dorothy the Dinosar jacket

Paparazzi Attack!

It was STRANGE! I normally wouldn't care if some stranger was Snap happy at me, it would normally be blissful! But today strange! In my new "Dorothy the Dinosar" Camo jacket that i made(i'll post a pic of me in it later!) with my faded blond/pink hair. Walking up the grand stairs at QVB, when i passed a "fat dude" carrying a Nikon camera, I wanted to say Nice Nikon but saw the odd look on his face and kept uping the stairs as he headed downstairs! i look't back over my shoulder to see him playing with his camera and looking nervously at me! thinking what a freak i kept walking! As I rounded past the elevator doors and started up the next section i look't past the elevator shaft to see himm hiding behind the elevator, to jump out snap 10 quick shots and run in the opposite direction! It was freaky, -I'm just scared someone else thought that i was warren!!! Bloody Virgin Mobile Marketing!- Eitherway i was flattered and horrified! Does he know whom i am really?


This Morning its raining again, we had torrential downpour over night my gardens loving it, I'm getting some good colour in My Liquid Amber Now! YaY. Today I'm off to Paddy's to Grab some Fruit! I Saw Bridge to Terrabithia, I loved it! For a Kids Film!


I'm very excited that Disney has release:

Bridge to Terabithia

This was one of my favorite books, and one of the only books i enjoyed immensely along with Z for Zacharia! Both these books i read over and over and Over!

Transformers is out soon so Dammo and Anyone else wishing to Fox it with us GET READY as TRANSFORMERS is released on the THURSDAY JUNE 28TH YAYAYAYAYAY

Its Pouring again tday so i might just use up a heap of my Winning Movie Tickets!


To My Darling Sister Prue, Hope Your feeling ok! Life Will Be Better With No Tonsil!

CSR of the Month!

I Won CSR of the month Today and Get to Sit in the Throne I made! I Also Won Movie Tickets, Liqueurs and Received A Certificate! Today the Sky is very clear after all the down pour on the weekend its now cold and Clear!


This Is Myself as a Punk Rock Freak, With Some of the other guys from Work, We Had to Dress Rock Or Royalty, I've been a Princess so I went in Rock!


High to all,Hope you had a great Queens Birthday Weekends! I Did! - Even though I've burnt my scalp bleaching my hair for work on Tuesday, See my Dinosars Below I Took There Pcture Whilst it was Raining During this Weekend! Above is tonights Sunset above and beyond Camperdown and Western Sydney! the Sun was Peaking between the mountains and the fresh New Storm Clouds

Tmrws Rock and Royalty Day at wrk, U either have to dress Rock Or Royal! I'm Dressing Punk Rock! U should See My Crazy HAir!
I'll Be Posting Picks of the Throne and I!

Barbie Hair Anouncement!

I caint belive that last night Did My Best Ever Barbie HAir, It was amazing. Rosie was in Dslash studios last night (for a Casting for an upcoming campain for D/) Rosie recently had a long multi symetric Bob, Now she's sporting The latest long Feathered Bob. It Was A Miricle Do, With no Denie of being in love with Rosie as Rosie is the NEW AMBER for D/ acorrding to all the talk in town.

Hello to anyone that may have been looking for posts whilst i was in "Slumber" after i had my tooth pulled!

Rosie Gets her new Do

Rosie wears an R/ Pink Body wrap suit for D/ at D/LIVE

In My Garden T'day

My Lost Tooth that I had pulled out yesterday popped up in the garden and my Bonsai is "STIL" turning colour. Tmrw is the First day of Winter. Isnt My new Click fantastic.


This is VOODOO DANCERS. Its the other side of the lamp from previous posts, I'm Posting VOODOO DANCERS for Pj from the famous Pp Era.
Hi To Pj. Suprising to see u. Enjoy your trip to America!
Pj was on my bus after wrk tnite! Spin Out! D/

Just after Sun Down

Just after the sun went down behind the blue mountains using my new camera* Click on the image to see the Clarity of my new Clicker- No point and Shoot!!! YAYAYAY This is looking west from the bathroom windows!( this is my tinkle view) across the inner west(hense the Church Towers of Ashfield, the top of the telstra(suxs) dome, Parramatta industrial and the Blue Mountains!)

BJ's Party

Bj, Her Mumma, Aunty and friend at The DjBj Baracus Birthday BBq!

Barbies losing her look!

Good Day all, Sorry I havnt post'ed over the Weekend, I bought myself a new Camera on Saturday and have been so Busy playing with it that i didnt have the time to stop and blog, not to mention All The BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS that we enjoyed for Baracus! All her lovely Friends, Sisters,Mumma and Aunty had a wonderful time at her party on Friday night, then on Saturday Little baby Eddie and Danni and Faye joined the crew for Games in the Park. Croquet, "ShuttleCock" and Volleyball!. - I just played with my new camera!
I can now apologize for the dodgy photos that I've been posting, and taking with my old digital point and shoot! You would never belive it! Barbie is trying to be a Bratz. She has this new eye thing going on and a new unbalanced head size with the wide sized eyes! i swear she was Grossly disfigured! So much so i cannot even find a pic of her new fat Head ANYWHERE! obviously no one wants to photograph the WANNA BE BRATZ. Maybe i should go into target and photograph the revolution of barbie lose's her looks!

Azia's on a Campaign

Here is Azia in her latest outfit Campaigning for the Charity. LOSE YOUR BAGGAGE LOSE YOUR BAGGAGE

Azia Stars here on march with VooDoo Chicken, The chicken that Barks!
-I made voodoo chicken at work....dodgy hey! Voodoo Chicken was an easter bunny til she had a sex change!

A Beautiful Start To DJBJ Baracus Birthday!

I unfortunately had to get up early this Am to head off to wrk, This is the beautiful site i saw as i arose on Baracus's Birthday! With Much Excitement i discovered my Bonsai has Finally started to "REALLY" show its colour! In Much anticipation I've longed for my Liquid Amber to turn for weeks, it always colours later than the trees around town!



Baracus is having a birthday do tnite and I CAINT WAIT!

Happy B'DAY Baracus