Showing posts with label accident. Show all posts
Showing posts with label accident. Show all posts

Can anyone belive it

After setting my Totem pole on fire Sunday night Wednesday night bought me a slashed foot as i got up in the night and trod on a Photo frame and have 10 stitches in my heal! Bloody! I caint put presure on it for a week or so!

Pick a Pole any Pole!

So here is the pole or maybe the pole behind!

for those of you whom havnt seen me i knock't my self out last Thursday evening! this photo was taken facing the direction i was running from, it was cold, wet i was in a new outfit etc etc etc late thursday arvo, when i could see the bus in the shop reflection ahead........ which i was late for, I was focusing on the bus i needed to get on when i pick't up pace to a high sprint, i then side steped the crowd outside the pub onto the st, I then side stepped back onto the footpath, stil focusing on the bus when i side stepped straight into one of the Street Signs! Was Sprinting fast enough to knock myself out!
I came through scrming get my shirt off i dont want blood on it! people where telling me to calm down and my shirts black dont worry, when i realised, oh my god, I've hit the pole, so i thank'd them all got up scurried off to the back of the pub, (an unlit lane to hide in!) and wrang work to say i wasnt coming to our trivia Nite! I've had stitches scince! and concussion for 3 days! Have you ever run into a street pole? this isnt my first affair!